Saturday, July 23, 2005


Just a regular ol night skilling up with friends in The Boyhoda Tree. we got together in Jeuno and set out. we got up to the second floor and one of the members didnt take notice that their silent oil wore off... next thing you know there are about 4 Steelshell crabs running after him hitting him lovely. we start to take them on but they were quite overwhelming i wasnt able to stand my ground for long. i got knocked out and so did 2 other of the members of our party. what a way to start our skill up session but once eveyone was healed we were rocking.


this is a trip. a linkshell member spotted this and broadcasted over the LS that all members report to Western Altepa Desert to attempt to take this HNM down. im gonna tell you now this F*&^er was impossible to even size up we were out matched outright. more than 24 memebers from all over Vana'Diel showed up to the desert we formed an alliance and started to battle... meh we didnt even hurt it he laughed at ever strike we hit it with, we were so unprepared. when it was all said and done there were bodies all over the place. from what most members were saying this was probly the first time this HNM made an appearance on our server and we are sure that it will show itself again. next time we will be prepared for this bad boy. if you cant make out the pic its a giant scorpian his name is King Vinegarroon.

Friday, July 22, 2005


its quite ugly... looks almost like a dunce cap but dont judge a book by its cover. the Optical Hat is one of the most sought after hats for a melee char in the game. i must say its not an easy task to obtain it involves gathering 5 different Hecteyes eye's in diffrent areas then have a high lvl Alchmey expert craft a cluster with the farmed eyes.... its not over yet. now its time to gather a full allience of friends 18 total and venture down to The Den Of Rancor to trade the cluster to a marked spot to pop the NM that will drop the hat once defeated. the fight itself is quite a challenge and even the most seasoned players will find that this is one hard monster to defeat.


Ever since i started playing i began as a Warrior. A Warrior is one who is greatly depended on through out the land of Vana'Diel and called upon for many different situations. At the moment i am working on creating skill up parties to advance my Great Axe skill... Something that i should have been working on since day one but i neglected it for i favor one handed weapons and with a Ninja sub job i am able to dual wield two one handed weapons. With that ability one is able to inflict a massive amount a damage over time. A Great Axe is a Warriors A+ weapon and preferred choice for most Warriors so i am returning to the use of a Great Axe. Just like everything else it takes quite some time to cap out the skill at such a high player level so currently i am fighting Steelshell Crabs in The Boyohda Tree to get my skill up to where i need it to be. My main reason for doing this is not for a new found likeness of the big two handed weapon but to take on Maat the final limit cap that allows me to continue to lvl 75. i raised my Great Axe skill from lvl 80 to 200 in about two weeks or so, so figure it will take me a week more to get it to about 240-250 i am guessing that it will cap between there. The Boyhoda Tree is over run with Gobbues, Mandys, Crawlers and Crabs just about everything will aggro by sound so i am always prepared with some silent oils to navigate my way to a camp spot to set up and get down to work.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


The first trip into the emptyness was very dark, cold and dangerous but i wasnt alone. even tho there were eighteen of us total i still had that feeling. at any moment one of us could have an unwanted follower, creeping in the shadows waiting to come out and disrupt the quietness of the emptyness. after navigating three floors and many battles later we reach the center of this emptyness... the spire. once inside we all make sure we are still intact and ponder the thought on what lies ahead of us. we break down to smaller parties and prepare to meet the keeper of the emptyness. "All set to go!" our leader says in confident cry and we zone in one by one in to the battle field. "Move in!" i cry and off we head to the keeper stripping him of every right to hold sway over us. a few of us didnt quite make it but in the end we all came out on top.

Monday, July 18, 2005


In the main gathering town (Jeuno) there are many people doing diffrent things at any time. people from far and wide to gather together, supply up and proceed to do quite diffrent things from one another. it seems today i will roam the vast lands on yet another quest. who i will see along the way the types of enimies i will run into are always un preditable. it is almost certain that i will have to jump on the front lines to help a fellow friend in danger but i always look foward to smooth sailing.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Today was a very successful day in the land of Vana'Diel. had a great skill up pt this morn and shortly after obtained my Optical Hat. SE has a planed server maintenence for 16hrs >.< o boy what to do... i was going through some old images i took from the game and came accross this
image from when i was lvln Dragoon. at the moment i am currently a Warrior70/Ninja35. it has been a nightmare trying to beat Maat so i may continue to lvl 75 but soon enough i will take him down.