Friday, July 22, 2005


Ever since i started playing i began as a Warrior. A Warrior is one who is greatly depended on through out the land of Vana'Diel and called upon for many different situations. At the moment i am working on creating skill up parties to advance my Great Axe skill... Something that i should have been working on since day one but i neglected it for i favor one handed weapons and with a Ninja sub job i am able to dual wield two one handed weapons. With that ability one is able to inflict a massive amount a damage over time. A Great Axe is a Warriors A+ weapon and preferred choice for most Warriors so i am returning to the use of a Great Axe. Just like everything else it takes quite some time to cap out the skill at such a high player level so currently i am fighting Steelshell Crabs in The Boyohda Tree to get my skill up to where i need it to be. My main reason for doing this is not for a new found likeness of the big two handed weapon but to take on Maat the final limit cap that allows me to continue to lvl 75. i raised my Great Axe skill from lvl 80 to 200 in about two weeks or so, so figure it will take me a week more to get it to about 240-250 i am guessing that it will cap between there. The Boyhoda Tree is over run with Gobbues, Mandys, Crawlers and Crabs just about everything will aggro by sound so i am always prepared with some silent oils to navigate my way to a camp spot to set up and get down to work.


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